Better 401(k) advice = early retirement and a larger nest egg

Are you searching for investing information, education, or advice to secure and grow your retirement nest egg?

Until now, the 401(k) or small individual investor had to go it alone, being ignored by investing professionals as too small and unprofitable. As a consequence, many investors found unreliable sources of information and advice, depended on the 'wisdom of the crowd,' or their 'gut' instincts.

By focusing exclusively on the neglected 401(k) investor population in need of quality advice, we have developed a unique, valuable, affordable program that not only produces the results you need, but does so in the ultimately secure fashion — it's self-directed. 

Visible Investment Advisors have years of experience helping employees optimize the value in their 401(k), 403(b), 457, and other deferred retirement plans, and we can help you achieve retirement security — regardless of the size of your portfolio.

Take a minute to answer the questions below, then see how you compare with the results of our Investor Survey.

Information Education Advice

Do you have all the information you need, and the time and know-how to analyze it? 


Don't have the info


Have a lot of info, but don't know how to analyze it


Don't act because I'm not sure if my analysis is correct


Can make decisions based on my analysis

Survey says

Where did you get your investment education?


Parents and friends


School or college


Read a lot of books


School of hard knocks



Survey says

Do you require the help of an investment professional?




Only to get me started or when I have to make a change


Only when the market goes down



Survey says

Here's a method that's helping investors reach their retirement goals

Visible Investment Advisors have developed the 401(k) Navigator Program like a GPS for your 401(k) it's simple and easy enough for everyone to understand and follow. 


  • A Registered Investment Advisor using the 401(k) Navigator Program matches your investment goals, time horizon, and risk tolerance with funds in your plan, suggesting reallocation of your current funds, and redirection of your future contributions as needed. 

  • Using the 401(k) Navigator Program, your Advisor plots your shortest, lowest cost route to your financial retirement goal.

  • When you encounter adversity (when the market goes down, or if you have a life changing event), your Advisor using the 401(k) Navigator Program will recalculate your new optimal route and get you back on track to your retirement goal. 

While investment results can never be promised, 401(k) Navigator investors sleep well at night, knowing that their money is working as hard for them, as they did for it.

What everybody ought to know about 401(k) investing

  1. You can lower your expenses (0.65% on average) — lowering your investment expenses means more money is left for you to invest and compound. In most cases, the 401(k) Navigator program saves more in mutual fund expenses then the program costs.

  2. You can increase your returns (1-3% on average) — we'll help you select the mutual funds that eliminate under-performance, and keep you in them so you don't buy and sell too often, or at the wrong time.

  3. You can decrease risk and volatility (priceless) — you'll own diversified stock and bond funds, keeping an equity bias, and maintaining plenty of cash on hand just waiting to take advantage of market fluctuations. Visible Investors look forward to, and benefit from, market volatility (which happens more often then investors expect).

Professional help you can afford

The Visible Investing 401(k) Navigator Program, administered by your own personal Registered Investment Advisor and directed by you, has a flat fee — no matter the size of your portfolio

4 Quarterly Consultations 401(k) Navigator Program

401(k) Navigator PLUS 

3 Quarterly Consultations

$200. $249. $249.*

* Offer expires November 15, 2009, when the price returns to $349.

You'll typically save more from reduced expenses then the cost of the program (we can let you know before you begin if this is likely to be the case in your situation). The increased returns and decreased risk — they are all yours! 

Your retirement lifestyle depends on making good choices – make your first choice the Visible Investing 401(k) Navigator Program!

  Sign up today or click to find out how it works










Tel: (949) 209-9113    Copyright © 2005-2009, All rights reserved.